Tuesday, September 16, 2008

So I owe it to all those who read our blog to give you the details on our life. We are in Texas in the Dallas/ Fort Worth area. We moved here at the end of June from Mississippi. I got a job right away working at Bed, Bath and Beyond. I worked there for a month when I was offered another job that is relevant to my degree, well it is more then relevant I got the job because of my degree so that is pretty cool. It turns out a BSW is useful after all!! So that is going well. I have also started my own little business selling a product I am really falling in love with! Arbonne is the product name and it is some good stuff! Anyways Christopher was studying for the DAT very diligently and has taken the test again and improved his score, so now we wait and hope for the best!! We just moved out of Elizabeth and Jason's house and into our own apartment which is coming together nicely. We like having a our own place but we miss being so close to our family here. Even though we are only 25 min away that seems like a lot after living with them for 3 1/2 months.

While living with them we just fell in love with our nieces. They are both so sweet Little Olivia melted Christopher's heart, she really did a number on him. They are adorable and we are getting another one here in about a month. We are excited for that. Hopefully we get to do a lot of babysitting and give Elizabeth a break from the craziness she is about to have in her home. She will be great though!!

We have been adjusting to the weather it has been a scorcher this summer and it is finally cooling off a little bit. I am going to really miss the Michigan Fall but I guess I'll deal with it. I'm trying to think what else I need to update you on but nothing comes to mind . . . but it's late so I will save more for another time. Love you.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

11lbs 5 oz

Now, what are a few things that come to mind when you think of 11lbs 5 oz?

I think of a very large Christmas ham or 2 5 pound weights + a pound and a half. I also think of one of my new chairs I just bought to go along with my dining room table ( ok maybe the chair is a little heavier). Christopher said he thinks of twins at birth with their weight put together. These are just a few but I wanted you to get the idea that 11lbs 5 oz can be a heavy load.

Now, what are somethings that don't come to mind when you think of 11lbs 5 oz?

I guess I wouldn't think of, lets say, a spring chick or my purse. I probably wouldn't think of a blanket or my cell phone. I wouldn't think of a little kitty or the bag of baby carrots I got at the store last week. I think I would definitely not think of a new born baby, especially if that new born baby was my sister's and she had pushed it out through the birthing canal!

But I'm here to tell you folks that I have a new little nephew, who remains nameless, that weighed 11lbs 5 oz at birth. Needless to say he is very large and has lots of chubs, just what we Jones girls like! The fatter the better!! Maybe not right when they come out, right Abs?

Anyway, my sister is amazing. She was in labor for 42 hours and could have had a c-section on the first day but that is not what she wanted. She is pretty cool. I think she is my new hero!

Can't wait to see you nameless!!! I love you Abby and Jonathon. Congrats guys!!

Sorry I don't have any pictures to post, I'm not there remember!!! :(

Friday, September 12, 2008

The "magical moment"

So my sister Abby has been in labor for over 30 hours now and she is still waiting. It all started yesterday morning when she began have contractions in the hospital. It was progressing all day long, it was slow but it was progressing. This morning at 7:30 she had hit the home stretch at 8/9cm and 90%. She could feel the baby's head! This was amazing considering the length of time my sweet sister has already waited for her first born. 2 hours later they came to check again and the little bugger had moved. This in turn slowed the process and even sent her backwards. Back to 7 cm and cervix getting thicker. This upped her chances of a C-section to a 50/50 percent. Currently they are still waiting just praying the little guy will return to the ideal birthing position. He's got two hours and then it's time to go in a get him. This is Abby's worst fear coming true here. This has been really hard for me being in Texas and all because I am so far away and I am having a hard time grasping the feel of what is really going on. I'm worried about my sister. I was just talking to my dad though and he is so cute!! (I miss him like crazy by the way) but he said " what's the big deal if I were Abby I'd want the c-section right away I wouldn't even go into labour" I had to answer him " dad, if she has the c-section she won't have the "magical moment" when the baby comes out and they lay it on you, and you get all slimy and such." He ofcourse said some elequent response that I can't quite recall at this moment and I wouldn't want to miss quote anyone. But I know you will be sad Abby if you have to have a c-section, so I hope you don't, but I know no matter what it will be a magical moment when he comes out. And who knows you still might get all slimy and stuff if your awake for it! You are a Queen! I'm so proud of you. Now get that baby out so I can see pictures. Love ya, Eliza

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


My sister gave me a website to look at for some new recipes and I did get some great new ones to try, but I think I gained a little more from it. It is a blog of a woman who talks about the experiences of her family and being a wife and mother. She shares her creative ideas and just talks about everyday life. These are cool things about her blog but it is not what I drew inspiration from. I was inspired by her outlook on life. Never once on her blog do you read of the negative or frustrations she has fulfilling her daily duties. She focuses on the good things and the things that make her life so beautiful. It's not that she is any more amazing then any other mother of four children and wife and citizen in this country but she sure makes me feel like her life is magical. Anyways the last four days at work I have been reading her blog from start to finish. I have been inspired to focus on the good things in my life (because there are soooo many) and I feel like lately I have just been worring about everything that is not so great and lets be honest I felt like crap.
But this week was different this week was happy. I mean sure I probably got mad and whinned at Christopher over something but I can't rememebr any of it. All I can remember is that Christopher and I made dinner together and we snuggled a lot and last night when I was sick and miserable on the bathroom floor at 3am he came in and sat with me and rubbed my hair and stayed with me untill I felt better (2 hours later). Then this morning when I woke up I would usually be thinking how tired and miserable I was from the fact that I spent two hours on the bathroom floor the night before, but all I could think about was how amazing it was that someone loved me that much to sit with me all night and make sure I was ok. I feel happy this week and it is my goal to feel like this all the time. Everyone should try this, it feels so good to focus on how awesome your life is. And everyone has awesomness in their lives no matter how bad your situation is.

The bloggers name is Stephanie Nielson and she and her husband were just in a horrible plane accident. They both survived but have suffered much. This is a website you can go to to donate if you choose. Her story also confirmed to me how amazing the blessing of the lord are when we are living as he has asked us too.

Love you all.

It's official

A few things that are official:
  • #1 I am the worst blogger in the history of these past 4 months (maybe longer).
  • #2 Christopher and I no longer live in Mississippi, in fact we havn't lived there for three months. We now reside it Hot Hot Texas. Nedd I mention it is Hot here.
  • #3 I will officially be missing the birth of little Dunford Jr. starting tonight whenever she goes in to the hospital. I'm very sad about this.
  • #4 Christopher and I are going meat-less. (more on that later)
  • #5 We are getting internet tomorrow so I can officially not have an excuse not to blog more often and post pics! so that is double official.
  • #6 I am missing my beautiful nice mild michigan transition from summer to fall!!
  • #7 I have been inspired and it is already making me happier!(more on this at a later date as well)

Love ya!