Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This year we were the Peter Pan Clan. Meet Tink, Peter and Wendy.
Reese made a perfect little Tinker Bell.
She even won the cutest costume at Trunk or Treat! That little pumpkin was her prize she carried that thing around all night.

 Some little chick came up to me while I was playing with Reese and said "You know Tinker Bell and Wendy aren't friends right? So are you guys friends or not?" It was just kind of funny. The stuff kids think about.
On Halloween night after eating the best soup ever! Christopher took Reese out Trick or Treating. They were cute together, instead of saying trick or treat when people came to the door she would just get kind of shy and say "I'm Tinker Bell" over and over. 
 She is not that into candy yet so Christopher and I capitalize on that eating all of her good stuff!   
In exchange for eating all of her candy we gave her an extra long story time! 

P.S. I love how Christopher will now do anything to show this little chica a good time. I would not have been able to get him in a costume before she came. She pretty much owns him, its sooo adorable!

1 comment:

Jacob said...

so cute.. i love it.