Stats: 8lbs 2oz
20 3/4 inches long
Contractions started at 2am on Sunday morning by 4:30 they were 5 min apart and what I thought at the time were relatively intense (I had no idea what was ahead). Christopher and I left for the hospital around then and stayed for about 2 hours watching the progress. I was only dilated to 1cm. They gave me a choice to either break my water and see where things went or go home take some Ambien and try to sleep because I hadn't slept at all yet. I chose to go home and wait. They told me at the hospital to take Ambien not just one but two if I needed it. So I took one when I got home but Christopher was so worried about me and he wanted me to sleep and kept insisting that I take two like they said. So I took two and never having taken this stuff before I had no idea how strong it was. I went to sleep around 6:30 am and woke up at noon when my mom arrived. Looking back now I don't really remember much between the time when I woke up and when we left for the hospital its all a little blurry. Next time if there is one I think I will just take 1 Ambien. At this time my contractions were much stronger and and kept building until around 4:00 pm when we went back to the hospital. I was dilated to 3 cm and they decided my contractions were close enough and strong enough that she would be coming soon. I went from a 3 to a 7 in about 2 hours and got an epidural! Around 8 pm she was ready to come. I pushed for about 30 min and she was here. Everything went so smooth and she is healthy and so perfect.
It has been a week and I think we fall in love with her all over again every time we see her!
You can see more pictures HERE and Here